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Carbon Offset Projects

Projects for a Greener Future

Energy Efficiency
Below you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about carbon offsetting.

What is a Carbon Offset Project?

Carbon offsetting refers to compensating for your individual, corporate, or product carbon footprint by funding environmental projects which help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the atmosphere.

And it is our only weapon in the quest of fighting climate change, making the planet greener and its resources sustainable.

Emission-reduction projects are implemented in different countries, varying from energy efficiency to renewable energy, forestry to landfill.

You too can help save the world’s unique assets by tackling climate change and make a real change in our future by investing in one of these projects via Co2nsensus.

Who Verifies Carbon Offset Projects?

The verification of carbon offsetting projects is crucial. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the offset projects you’re funding are compliant with regulations and standards and have credible certifications.

The Gold Standard (GS) and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) are the global validators of carbon offset projects, assessing their adequacy and effectiveness.

In 2003, Hello International, SouthSouthNorth (SSN), and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) collaboratively developed the Gold Standard for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Following that, the collaboration developed the VCS validation.

If an offsetting project is compliant with both international validations, it means that the project is verified and approved by the Standard Advisory Board of scientists, project developers, NGOs, and government representatives.

At Co2nsensus, we only offer projects compliant with both the Gold Standard and VCS. So, when you invest in a project with us, it means your carbon reduction is real, effective, and permanent. It also means that the money you’re spending plays an essential role in achieving the global goals of sustainable development and creating a sustainable future.

Don’t know what your carbon footprint is? Use our unique carbon calculator and calculate your carbon emissions!

How do Carbon Offset Projects Contribute to the UN Sustainability Goals?

The United Nations has developed a global partnership to provide peace and prosperity for people and the planet.

They have established various sustainability goals, including no poverty, clean water & sanitation, affordable & clean energy, decent work, and economic prosperity.

A carbon offset project contributes to these goals and helps bring sustainable development benefits such as improved air and water quality, reduced energy consumption, and much more.

The projects on Co2nsensus address almost all the UNSDG (UN Sustainable Development Goals) and help you make a real difference in the world.

How do Carbon Offset Projects work?

Once you reduce waste and source most of your energy requirements from renewable energy sources, the rest is done by carbon offsets.

A carbon offset is basically a trading system where you buy carbon credits to compensate for the carbon emissions caused by you, your business, or various other activities. For instance, if you drive a car and cause 1 tonne of CO2 emissions in a year, you invest in an offset (carbon reduction) project such as reforestation, which will compensate for your carbon emission by reducing carbon from the atmosphere.

As a result, a carbon balance is maintained in the atmosphere, directly affecting climate change and global sustainability.

Types of Carbon Offset Projects

Carbon offset projects are essential in achieving the UN sustainability goals. At Co2nsensus, we offer various international carbon offsetting projects:

Forestry Projects (Reforestation)
Atmospheric carbon dioxide forms the overwhelming majority of global greenhouse gas emissions, and for a long time, has been known to play a significant role in climate change.

That said, forestry projects are among the most effective solutions to climate change as forests play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Forestry projects lead to carbon removals, enhance the health and well-being of the environment by avoiding deforestation, managing forests in a more sustainable way, and restoring ruined land to forests.
Renewable Energy Projects
Renewable energy plays a key role in cutting carbon emissions worldwide. To have a more sustainable use of energy and a greener future, you can choose one of the renewable energy projects in Co2nsensus.

By investing in one of these projects, you can offset your carbon emissions and contribute to reducing air pollution and improving public health.
Forestry Projects (Reforestation)
Atmospheric carbon dioxide forms the overwhelming majority of global greenhouse gas emissions, and for a long time, has been known to play a significant role in climate change.

That said, forestry projects are among the most effective solutions to climate change as forests play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Forestry projects lead to carbon removals, enhance the health and well-being of the environment by avoiding deforestation, managing forests in a more sustainable way, and restoring ruined land to forests.
Renewable Energy Projects
Renewable energy plays a key role in cutting carbon emissions worldwide. To have a more sustainable use of energy and a greener future, you can choose one of the renewable energy projects in Co2nsensus.

By investing in one of these projects, you can offset your carbon emissions and contribute to reducing air pollution and improving public health.
Hydropower Projects
Human activity is overloading our atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other gas emissions, causing global warming. These gases act like a blanket, trapping heat, resulting in rising ocean temperatures, droughts, and many other serious environmental issues.

On the other hand, hydropower projects are central to fighting global warming. Moving water is a powerful energy source harnessed to provide clean, fast, and flexible electricity generation.

Hydropower is currently the largest renewable electricity source and represents a reliable and domestic resource. With Co2nsensus, invest in a hydropower project and offset your carbon footprint.
Landfill Projects
Worldwide increases in fossil fuel-based road power generation contribute to elevated air pollution levels. Using landfill gas to generate energy and reduce emissions produces positive environmental outcomes.

The landfill projects at Co2nsensus address the UN sustainability goals. Contribute to one of our landfill projects and help reduce air pollution while reducing your carbon footprint.
Solar Carbon Offsetting Projects
Solar energy is renewable, and it’s green because it relies exclusively on solar energy, which is always free and available.

Solar energy is a vast resource that can contribute to low-carbon power generation. By investing in a solar energy project with Co2nsensus and offsetting your carbon footprint, you can make a huge positive impact on the environment.
Energy Efficiency Projects
The less energy consumed, the fewer emissions caused. Therefore, energy efficiency is the key to reducing our direct greenhouse gas emissions.

Besides, it provides multiple public benefits aside from its carbon emission impacts. It reduces home and business energy costs, improves productivity and stimulates economic growth.

Co2nsensus engages in various energy efficiency projects to reduce energy consumption and improve overall sustainability. The main goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Choose your energy efficiency projects via Co2nsensus and start offsetting your carbon footprint.